Why plan?
Things are going well. But how do you know, you think big enough? They are the use of, the interests of strength and talent in your team? If you land in a place that will make you happy? What exactly is the best game plan? It's not that you do not think about these questions. The business environment is complex and the choices are daunting. How do you respond to difficult questions?
For the same reasons that pilots use maps if they are flying cross-countryand follow the chef's recipes, it makes sense in the direction of organizational goals and personal with a written plan to work. You can move without a plan, and many do, but the results probably will not be optimal.
Strategic thinking and planning process can help companies create a framework within which the control, rather than sit and watch the company to control you. For many, the planning process (thinking, debate, research and analysis)more useful to the final plan. A planning process can help refine the vision, evaluate alternative ways to create a common understanding and commitment to balance dreams with reality, and transform the uncertainty in action.
Sounds good, but most small businesses do not plan to
While there are a lot of research to correlate success in planning, it is probably not surprising that the majority of businesses have no written strategic plan. The reasons arevaried, but some common themes include: "It is not the best use of my / our limited time", "planning has the flexibility," there are too many uncertainties, "we have a business plan," "consensus too difficult" , and "too expensive".
These are all real concerns, especially for small businesses. The dichotomy is that the reasons that prevent organizations to plan for the same reasons, the design can be equally effective. Let aVista ....
TIME-"We are so overwhelmed - rent, so that our customers are happy to get new products - we do not have time to think about next week, next year have somehow forgotten the future merely to take care of itself" . .
The thought of action to counter provides a dilemma for many professionals. We are action-oriented. If we do something, we feel productive. If we take the time to think, feel unproductive. We must do both. Without investment in time and effort to think about where you travel, then it is likely that we'll get there.
If we become so involved in day to day that we risk perspective, it's time to take a step back. If we get stuck in the trenches, the simplest solution is often implemented, not the best. Planning takes time, but leads to a selective use of the limited time available.
Flexibility: "We want to be left open opportunities that present themselves."
Create a strategic plan does not mean that yourCompanies can not be flexible. A plan to lay the groundwork so that when things start to change, there is a basis for evaluating new opportunities.
There are decisions of strategic planning are as follows: "We are such products or services that do not offer", "we approach this target market that are not" "We achieve this goal above all others." Written plans to demonstrate that careful consideration has been given for the future. It 's easier to do this type ofStrategic decisions with long-term perspective. When things get stressful, it is difficult to find all the options well enough to see an informed choice.
"We have a basic idea of where we're going, because you wrote it?"
Unwritten goals are simple ideas that change every time you change your thoughts, be. The act of writing helps objective, clear and can be an object of persecution that they provide actual results. Magic happens when you put paper targetsbegin to become real. You begin to make commitments, and are open to opportunities that you previously did not notice.
Uncertainty, "Strategic planning is a concept of business school developed when people thought they could anticipate and predict the future. How can you plan in an uncertain world that is high?"
Uncertainty is a real problem in forward planning. However, our heads sit on the sand is probably not the best solution. Most organizations have their own strategiesStructure and services offered at regular intervals in question. To remain successful it is essential to provide the following strategic issues on a regular basis:
Where are we today? Where are we going? How are we going?
Strategic planning helps the companies to explore market opportunities. To do this effectively, the collection and analysis of information relating to the business environment, understanding the internal forces and the development of a series of 'key"To take into account. Optimal strategies based on these factors. As the environment changes, so should our plans. One way whether it is time to conduct a new strategic planning process in the list of" hypothesis checked, assumptions' on an annual basis to see if anything has changed.
I have a plan: "I wrote a business plan when I started the business"
The act of strategic planning is often confused with a business plan. Business planare drawn generally to get the funding then filed trademark. Strategic planning is an activity that takes place every few years to assess ways of coping with the environmental change, build consensus and create goals for the update. The output (strategic plan) is a working document that sets out the short position and the future of the organization, with an action plan to get from here to there.
ORGANIZATION DYNAMICS "I could never all agree on the bestWay forward. In any case, should not be my vision? "
Effective planning helps you talk to people, and to ensure that owners / managers have benefited from the ideas of his team. A good process is designed to build trust, support and commitment of all stakeholders. Although only a small group is involved in the process, is to communicate the completion of a strategic plan is a great opportunity, conduct business and the fundamental valuesEmployees.
The use of an external facilitator can greatly improve the effectiveness of a planning process and keep the process on track. Often there is a strong tendency to concentrate participants in the discussions on current problems. An external facilitator can help to expand thinking and ensure that new ideas and directions are generated.
COST "We have no budget for planning."
With all the activities that make a society, the definition of prioritiesPart of a plan is important. Without a plan, the limited resources of a growing company will tend to be scattered in many directions, the compensation of the results, which take longer and cost more.
What are your personal priorities? Profitability is work-life balance, a motivated staff, or public recognition of your list? What are the advantages of achieving your personal goals? What are the consequences if you do not?
If you are serious about your business, it's timeplace to address the challenges start planning e. Do not hesitate to ask for help. Stop to think of a better future, TAKE ACTION!
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