
Monday, December 20, 2010

Small Business Ideas Learn how profitable opportunities because

Identify opportunities:

Identify business opportunities is the basis for starting a business. Before each start-up is necessary to consider very carefully, your ability to produce a service or product offerings. If you do it right in this first phase, you will be successful taking a big step in your direction.

Then to assess the skills, that is, your education, vocational training andExperience. As business opportunities are available that relate to your skills? If the opportunities do not affect your ability, you will be able to rent the ability to cost affordable? Or they can understand the opportunities for local training, where you get training, preferably in the form of short courses? Remember the Internet as a source of training, and often free.

If you have ideas, but the ability to obtain, think of ways that largelytraining such as retail, door-to-sell home, etc., etc.

Well, what ever you decide to have something you enjoy doing. In this way you will be motivated enough to do your best.

Market Report:

Look at the market, local, national and even international. There is a demand for your products or services? Or you can claim? Perhaps there is an agency in your country, dealers help to achieve this makes use of it.

During yourStudio, you should try to understand:

* The type and quality of products or services that have a good question,

* Who are your potential customers,

* What is the level of demand,

* What is the price you can sell the goods or services and receive a reasonable return on investment?

* What are the sales channels and where does the market?

* That competition is likely to encounter in your market, and how you want to treatwith him?

Along with this, you should also consider:

* The amount, source and cost of materials, tools and equipment

* The reliability of the supply and support,

* How much does it cost to start and run the business,

* You can raise or borrow the necessary funds?

If you look seriously the above information to make a very informed decision. Then you can march forward with confidence.

Festus Muga.

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Saturday, December 18, 2010

Small Business Innovation - Sustain competitive advantage

In order for small businesses to compete in the global market competition, innovation is essential. One factor is the pressure of innovation. Pressure of competition forces small firms to successfully innovate and adapt. Moreover, innovation can be promoted in a company as employees need a certain amount of pressure to jump start the creative process. The constructive and positive pressure from the head of a company stimulatesLateral thinking for creative people.

The real puzzle is the transformation of creative ideas into commercial practice. This is when and where employees need encouragement and positive reinforcement. As a CEO you have to show much interest and involvement in the development of new products, as in the existing product lines. Innovation is not only the production of new ideas, like the adaptation of new product releases, developed an inventory of creative ideas. We need to promoteEnvironments, the creative imagination is for problems and then find good solutions to these problems.

As CEO, you can encourage innovation in the enterprise through:

1. Reorganization contribution individual
2. to reward the provision of a bonus incentive program, individuals and groups to study innovation

Innovation is an expert in your specific area mastery. technological leadership and a commitment to learn more about your field than any other company is veryImportant innovation gap to close. joint ventures, strategic alliances or partnerships can not close the gap on their own. It 's your core competence, with the added synergy of a joint venture, strategic alliances and partnerships that make it a very successful innovation. The best way to beat the competition is to sell products with the technology that do not match. It is only through the implementation of innovation and success of innovations that can reach a company to maintain competitive advantagein the global market. However, it must be this innovative product:

1. Cost to make big enough margin of 50% or more
2. Beat the heck out of the competition
3. Save your clients significant money

This profit margin must be large enough to allow the product to invest in maintaining a competitive advantage. You need to be constantly reinventing itself with innovative products that produce much better, it is necessary to effectively your oldexisting products to really compete.

Innovation requires years to develop, nor is it necessary to quickly bring products to market to compete. Therefore aligned current business systems must be present, as your business grows tree, and you lose the ability to innovate and then market the product in a market leader. Then, once on the market, it is necessary to aggressively protect the confidential nature of this product, "peak" by aggressive use of trademarks andIntellectual Property Rights.

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Sunday, December 12, 2010

Small Business Consulting

Often small businesses do not have real consequences of their deep problems or potential benefits of using a management consulting firm. E 'for these owners to believe that all other companies in their field, the same problems, or vice versa, that their situation is unique widespread. In fact, none of these scenarios is almost never the case.

small businesses and medium enterprises are in a constant struggle for dailyTo survive, let alone grow and prosper. They work in a highly competitive market and prove the vast majority of them without the financial and operating policies and procedures to manage large organizations take for granted. These entrepreneurs are at a loss to maximize profitability and simplify the administrative burden.

As a result, they never had the time or opportunity of the basic activities needed to implement the strategic programs focusednecessary for sustained growth and stability. They are the classic case of so much time fighting the alligators, they do not meet the time or opportunity to present their original purpose of draining the swamp!

Although many problems can be the problem enveloping a large number of firms with the same, there are always some that thrive in the face of adversity. Entrepreneurs work so hard to survive, often "do not see the forest for the trees." Thisis one of the reasons why the third-person perspective that a consultant brings to a client is so precious. Part of the mission consultancy is therefore to convince the owners of it, honest dealing with their problems and the actual costs, very real and substantial associated with a lack of control.

The basic strategy is to bring affordable basic techniques and management systems of rules in which only large companies, the small entrepreneur in aPrice. every small business life, profit and quality of the sales, this is achieved by addressing three major. This requires that consultants provide a full range of management services for its customers, including the installation of accounting systems, cash flow management, production control, computer systems, budgeting, management of costs and expenses and human resources program.

Other areas of operational improvements to provide adviceas requested by the customer base are the following: Cash Management, Business Valuation, Investment Banking Services, labor and product pricing, inventory management, succession planning, operational planning, sales management and financial management.

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Strategic planning for a small business - the challenges

Why plan?

Things are going well. But how do you know, you think big enough? They are the use of, the interests of strength and talent in your team? If you land in a place that will make you happy? What exactly is the best game plan? It's not that you do not think about these questions. The business environment is complex and the choices are daunting. How do you respond to difficult questions?

For the same reasons that pilots use maps if they are flying cross-countryand follow the chef's recipes, it makes sense in the direction of organizational goals and personal with a written plan to work. You can move without a plan, and many do, but the results probably will not be optimal.

Strategic thinking and planning process can help companies create a framework within which the control, rather than sit and watch the company to control you. For many, the planning process (thinking, debate, research and analysis)more useful to the final plan. A planning process can help refine the vision, evaluate alternative ways to create a common understanding and commitment to balance dreams with reality, and transform the uncertainty in action.

Sounds good, but most small businesses do not plan to

While there are a lot of research to correlate success in planning, it is probably not surprising that the majority of businesses have no written strategic plan. The reasons arevaried, but some common themes include: "It is not the best use of my / our limited time", "planning has the flexibility," there are too many uncertainties, "we have a business plan," "consensus too difficult" , and "too expensive".

These are all real concerns, especially for small businesses. The dichotomy is that the reasons that prevent organizations to plan for the same reasons, the design can be equally effective. Let aVista ....

TIME-"We are so overwhelmed - rent, so that our customers are happy to get new products - we do not have time to think about next week, next year have somehow forgotten the future merely to take care of itself" . .
The thought of action to counter provides a dilemma for many professionals. We are action-oriented. If we do something, we feel productive. If we take the time to think, feel unproductive. We must do both. Without investment in time and effort to think about where you travel, then it is likely that we'll get there.

If we become so involved in day to day that we risk perspective, it's time to take a step back. If we get stuck in the trenches, the simplest solution is often implemented, not the best. Planning takes time, but leads to a selective use of the limited time available.

Flexibility: "We want to be left open opportunities that present themselves."

Create a strategic plan does not mean that yourCompanies can not be flexible. A plan to lay the groundwork so that when things start to change, there is a basis for evaluating new opportunities.

There are decisions of strategic planning are as follows: "We are such products or services that do not offer", "we approach this target market that are not" "We achieve this goal above all others." Written plans to demonstrate that careful consideration has been given for the future. It 's easier to do this type ofStrategic decisions with long-term perspective. When things get stressful, it is difficult to find all the options well enough to see an informed choice.

"We have a basic idea of where we're going, because you wrote it?"

Unwritten goals are simple ideas that change every time you change your thoughts, be. The act of writing helps objective, clear and can be an object of persecution that they provide actual results. Magic happens when you put paper targetsbegin to become real. You begin to make commitments, and are open to opportunities that you previously did not notice.

Uncertainty, "Strategic planning is a concept of business school developed when people thought they could anticipate and predict the future. How can you plan in an uncertain world that is high?"

Uncertainty is a real problem in forward planning. However, our heads sit on the sand is probably not the best solution. Most organizations have their own strategiesStructure and services offered at regular intervals in question. To remain successful it is essential to provide the following strategic issues on a regular basis:

Where are we today? Where are we going? How are we going?

Strategic planning helps the companies to explore market opportunities. To do this effectively, the collection and analysis of information relating to the business environment, understanding the internal forces and the development of a series of 'key"To take into account. Optimal strategies based on these factors. As the environment changes, so should our plans. One way whether it is time to conduct a new strategic planning process in the list of" hypothesis checked, assumptions' on an annual basis to see if anything has changed.

I have a plan: "I wrote a business plan when I started the business"

The act of strategic planning is often confused with a business plan. Business planare drawn generally to get the funding then filed trademark. Strategic planning is an activity that takes place every few years to assess ways of coping with the environmental change, build consensus and create goals for the update. The output (strategic plan) is a working document that sets out the short position and the future of the organization, with an action plan to get from here to there.

ORGANIZATION DYNAMICS "I could never all agree on the bestWay forward. In any case, should not be my vision? "

Effective planning helps you talk to people, and to ensure that owners / managers have benefited from the ideas of his team. A good process is designed to build trust, support and commitment of all stakeholders. Although only a small group is involved in the process, is to communicate the completion of a strategic plan is a great opportunity, conduct business and the fundamental valuesEmployees.

The use of an external facilitator can greatly improve the effectiveness of a planning process and keep the process on track. Often there is a strong tendency to concentrate participants in the discussions on current problems. An external facilitator can help to expand thinking and ensure that new ideas and directions are generated.

COST "We have no budget for planning."

With all the activities that make a society, the definition of prioritiesPart of a plan is important. Without a plan, the limited resources of a growing company will tend to be scattered in many directions, the compensation of the results, which take longer and cost more.

What are your personal priorities? Profitability is work-life balance, a motivated staff, or public recognition of your list? What are the advantages of achieving your personal goals? What are the consequences if you do not?

If you are serious about your business, it's timeplace to address the challenges start planning e. Do not hesitate to ask for help. Stop to think of a better future, TAKE ACTION!

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Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Business Basics For Small Business Owners

Every small business owner should... or 9 top tips to help small business owners avoid some common mistakes:

Register with HM Revenue & Customs

Register within 3 months of becoming self employed. If you leave it any longer you may have to pay a penalty of £100. The easiest way to register is to call the newly self-employed helpline on 08459 15 45 15

Have a quick answer

....for when someone asks "and what do you do?" Potential customers are everywhere so make sure you can explain quickly and clearly what you do. And carry your business cards with you, ALWAYS.

Use a proper business email address

....rather than a personal email address for your small business, otherwise you may not be taken seriously. It's not expensive and you don't even need a website if you don't want one, you just need to register a domain name and pay for email only hosting services. 

Answer the phone properly

.... If you work from home and use your home phone number for business your business callers may not always get an appropriate greeting, you could install a second phone line to use exclusively for business or you could ask your service provider if they provide a service whereby you get an additional phone number on your existing phone line. Calls to this new number should crossed with a different ring tone, so (and everyone else!) You know it's a business call, and can be answered in the corresponding.

If you do not always able to set the phone why not use an answering service or virtual office service, having your calls.

Keep your paperwork organized

Finding a system that works for you then put a little 'time aside for this every week. E 'useful to take note of important dates and deadlines (the tax-returns, paying tax bills, renewing your domain name, etc.) Most important of all is to keep a track of who owes you money, and don't be afraid to chase them to get your invoices paid.

Protect your business assets - back up your data regularly

You don't need a sophisticated or expensive system for backing up your files. You can do it the easy way and simply backup to a DVD or, better still, use a portable external hard drive. Whichever system you use remember to store the backup in a separate place to your PC.

Watch out for VAT

You must register for VAT when your turnover reaches £68k in any 12 month period. You'll need to do this within 30 days of reaching this threshold. If you supply goods or services that are zero rated you'll still need to register and you can then apply for an exemption.

Look after yourself

Small business owners and sole traders are particularly prone to stress. To ensure you continue to operate effectively and give your business every chance of success you need to keep yourself healthy: take time out to relax, eat well and take some exercise that you enjoy.


....and share your experiences and ideas with other small business owners. While online social networking for businesses is particularly buzzing at the moment it's most effective when you know the people involved, so its a good idea to try and meet them face to face once in a while!  Having other small business owners to talk to will help you keep things in perspective and you're likely to pick up lots of useful tips and information as well as making lots of good business contacts. Your local British Chambers of Commerce , Business Link and the Federation of Small Businesses all run local groups and networking events, as do many other voluntary and commercially based networking organizations.

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Monday, December 6, 2010

Secrets to save time for your business

Many small businesses start out as a one man show. This means you can literally find a different job functions and at all times. You must respond to a reception and the phone, and a secretary to schedule meetings and take care of office management. Are you an accountant with the attitude of current books, and a seller to get your products or services to customers. It seems there is always things to do and not enough timeto do it. is therefore to find ways to save time and work more efficiently can be incredibly valuable. Here are some secrets to help you save time:

Allocate Time Weekly Admin

The administration is an area that now the majority of small businesses are really weak in places usually at the bottom of the pile and 11 arrive at the store. The problem of not keeping up with admin, is that it can affect your business. The research and sales Payments is essential to the business. If you know exactly how your business is based on an activity on a weekly, you can come to know her without loss. It should also be suppliers to keep track of payments, not to damage the reputation of your company. Keep your existing administrator but also a saving in the long run. To do with worldly things like collecting and storing data, you can ensure that you know exactly where everything in your> Business. If a customer asks for a copy of the bill that do not have to wade through mountains of paper to find it is easy to see in a particular file. Constantly updated with the administrator, you have the time for companies to focus more on other aspects of your own.

Plan a strategy of regular session

Too many small business owners will tell you that they are too busy to plan their weekly strategy session. But it does not take too long. A quick 15a 30 minute session quickly say what you need to know your business. In fact, you could busy, but unless these efforts are translated into tangible results in the form of sales, you are not really very productive. A weekly session of strategy can help you on your way. And 'good admin to do this as part of your weekly meeting. The difference to the session of strategy that sees the most complete line on the big picture of where your business, including.Things such as sales targets, marketing plans and other plans or tactics. Monitoring your business strategies on a weekly basis, to allow optimization of your work. If you see that a particular marketing strategy is working, you can immediately take action to improve it. So rather than get results within a month, you can use the results immediately. How proactive strategies in monitoring port constantly looking for ways of doing thingsefficiently. To save many valuable hours of work.

Move Your Operations Online

Today, technology has in many ways, level playing fields in terms of business. The ability to work online at a low price With That it is convenient for companies that have access to markets that were previously the domain of big-budget companies. Small Business owners can set a lot of time and give their companies a competitive advantageProducts online. For example, e-mail and CRM systems to help you organize your schedule and keep appointments and client follow-up. There are many systems that integrate with each other so you can access your e-mail, documents and files from anywhere in the world you are. Tools such as faxing online can help keep costs low and productivity high. You can choose between documents by clicking on a button, without having to manually fax the information to customers. MovingYour online business means that you have your entire office into a laptop or notebook, and you can even move your mobile phone. The technology today is all your life easier, faster and more convenient. As a small business owner, you should use the advantage of technology to save time. Working online, you can work wherever you are, when it Anyway, this is a sure way to save more time in your company.

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